Dry Film Thickness Gages

Paint thickness is an essential parameter that needs to be measured routinely. The proper film thickness has an impact on the paint opacity, appearance, and protective properties of the coating. Applying too much coating can also be detrimental that can lead to excessive dry time, cracking, and flaking of the paint film. Coating thickness measurement will monitor the paint process and maintain the appropriate coating properties. Paint thickness gauges for dry film thickness can either be a non-destructive measurement or destructive measurement. The non-destructive paint gauge uses measurement principle of magnetic induction for ferrous substrates and eddy-current for non-ferrous substrates.

What is dry film thickness gauge Malaysia?

Dry film thickness gauge Malaysia is the thickness of a coating as measured above the substrate. It may be a single layer or several layers. Dry film thickness gauge Malaysia is calculated for cured coatings (after the coating dries). The thickness of a coating is determined by the application and procedure used. The approved coating system characteristics should be used to calculate the proper thickness.

The thickness of the film is measured to guarantee conformity with ASTM, ISO, and other standards. Coating inspection instruments are utilized at each stage of the coating process to verify Dry film thickness gauge Malaysia fulfills standards.

Why is dry film thickness gauge Malaysia important?

Dry film thickness gauge Malaysia is the thickness of a coating as measured above the substrate. A coating is the most important component of an anticorrosive coating system. The primary function of a coating is to guard against corrosion by adhering to the substrate. It is vital that the applied thickness be sufficient to offer corrosion protection as well as appropriate adherence.

How do I take care of my dry film thickness gauge Malaysia?

Don’t wait for calibration

If you use a thickness gauge on a frequent basis, measure on rough surfaces, and handle the gauge abruptly, a shorter calibration period for your dry film gauge Malaysia may be a good option. If your meter is used less frequently, use a larger period. If in doubt, begin with a one-year calibration period from the date of calibration, purchase, or arrival.

However, the best and most widely accepted way is to measure calibration shims using a defined protocol. Calibration shims are supplied as precision coated metal certified shims or as plastic shims. Precision metal shims are inherently more exact. The processes for measuring them are specified in a document called the calibration protocol, which is provided on request by certain manufacturers.

Use it but don’t overdo it

Surfaces that are hot or abrasive are the most damaging to the probes of our dry film thickness gauge Malaysia. Avoid extended contact to hot surfaces and allow the probe to cool between measurements for the longest possible life. Always lower the probe slowly and never move it sideways on hard surfaces. To protect the probe, plastic shims of predetermined thickness can be put on the surface to be measured. The measurement will be the shim thickness plus the paint thickness, but because the shim thickness is known, it will be easy to infer. Remember that adding more thickness will increase the paint thickness inaccuracy.

Before putting it away

It is a good idea to check the probe head before storing it. Fresh paint or other materials may be removed, and the problem can be resolved promptly, preventing an unpleasant surprise the next time you use it. It is typically not an issue for the user to keep the batteries and probe connected for a short amount of time while not in use. Replace the meter in its original bag or package. Protect the probe. Keep the meter away from magnetic fluxes and excessive temperatures in a dry environment. A brief check on a known thickness is recommended when looking for it for a new usage.

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